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There is still an incredible enthusiasm surrounding social networking and the latest craze to hit the social network is the introduction of a direct communication from celebrities and athletes in sport. Rich and famous now take to their Twitter to "tweet" against the press, with stories written about them and to confirm or deny the latest gossip. It 'the same for the sport in the world of social networking. A good example is Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, who has athe most popular Facebook fan pages of the world.
Phelps uses his fan pages on Facebook as an online diary, a forum to communicate with its millions of fans. She speaks of her personal experience to share videos of themselves and inviting pictures of himself and pictures of sponsorship is involved. Recently, the case has brought as Phelps and made the headlines, Facebook took her to apologize to his fans.
It shows how this new generation wants social networkbe able to communicate with their sports heroes, something that has never been in the past can tell. Sports social network also provides a new form of communication in real time, which react more quickly the press can be. If a piece of real-time messages will appear on Twitter or is someone else's sports social network, then it can spread quickly over the Internet even before the press found out.
Not just sports news, but lately the personal message of sportsmenwas also shown directly by the person himself. Not long ago, Lance Armstrong's millions of fans around the world reported that his girlfriend had the birth of their son Max The proud father then continued to show pictures of her baby and this was made possible by social networking.
While online social networking is just beginning, it is easy to see how quickly he adapted as a sport and social network can bypass the media entirely andfor athletes for the sport, to communicate directly with their fans in a way they want.
Shaquille O'Neal a player for Cleveland Cavaliers, is another athlete who does not hesitate to sports social networking sites. With over two million followers on Twitter, says the famous sports daily about his thoughts about news in the sports world. A few months ago he also shared his thoughts with the online world through commerce NBA, and answered questionsdirectly to his fans.
In general, it is interesting to see if social networking technology by the end of us, especially in the field of sport. For now offers a fascinating glimpse into the private life of celebrity obsessed culture, and shows no signs of slowing down yet.
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